First Timer's Guide


Hours of Operation

Opening and closing times may change throughout the season. For the most up to date information view our Hours of Operation page.

View Current Hours


Restrooms are located in the center of the Main Lodge and in the rental building.

The first place to check is with Guest Services inside the main lodge. Valuables like wallets, cell phones, purses, are turned in there. If we don't have it, ask to fill out a Lost Item Report so it it turns up later we know how to get a hold of you. Items such as clothing, duffel bags, gloves, etc are turned into our Rental Department.

Report accidents to any uniformed Patroller (red jacket), or lift attendant, or at the First Aid station at the West end of the Lodge, near the tubing area.

Our cafeteria is located on the main level.

Go to the outside ticket window and talk to one of our friendly agents, from there we are able to radio staff members to look out for your party. It's a good idea to discuss with your party a meeting place just in case someone gets separated from the rest of the group.